Welcome To

The Ber Months

Embark on your journey of slow-paced living through

folklore & traditions, recipes & crafting







Ursh, or rather Mrs Christmas as she affectionately known as by her friends, is a total 'ber month aficionado. There is nothing more special than when the evenings draw in, the candles are lit and foraging and craft come to life. But what about the other eight months of the year people ask? Januber, Februber, Marber - you get the idea.

Now you see whilst the legit ber months are limited to the obvious four months it doesn't mean our love of the ber months waver. Its a bit like gardening to be honest, there is always something to be done!

Elderflower champagne, limoncello, tomato chutney, raspberry and strawberry picking are all needed well before the ber months start but are important for those edible gifts. Talking of gifts... the other eight months are perfect for listening to peoples subconscious wish lists, making the above edible gifts and planning!

Lets not forget there are always Christmas books to read and Autumn and Christmas films to watch! Even in July midst of a heatwave. So fellow ber months lovers, wear it proud and shine bright.


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